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Ciao Chiara del futuro, sono passati 5 anni da quando Francesco mi ha linkato questo sito (lamentandosi dell\'ansia che gli provocava!)e mi ha fatto venir voglia di scriverti. Oggi è il...

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Hello, Daniel Did things go the way you planned? Are you happy with how things are? Do you want things to continue this way? If the answer to all of these are no, then remember that you...

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Caitlin I could not have wished for a better person to be with. You bring me a lifetime of joy and happiness, especially when I make you smile. I know right now I am traveling a bit this summer...

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Labutis, labai norėjom įsitikinti ar laiškas ateina ;) Bučkis į netolima ateitį. ;) Beto Deividuk su artėjančiu 17-uoju gimtadieniu, būk gerutis, auk didutis ;)***

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* Kartais kai būna apsiniaukę viduje. pasiimu juostelę , raktą ir užsidarau. Tada nuskamba dažniausiai Erik Satie , o jei dar koks termosas,tada pasakau "tobula" Įeini į tamsą ir...

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