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As is praities . Geras tinginis.

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Dear joan my favorite part of 6th grade was making many friends we may have played around in class but they were always there to make me laugh even tho they talked bad about me they didn't...

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May 28th, 2014 Dear Future Me: I am 13 years old. I am sitting in Mrs. Warfields’ communication arts class. Its May 28th, 10:27am. Anyway, my life is, okay. I...

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Dear huggs The best thing happened in my life was when I first met you. Happy Birthday!

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Labas, ateities Tu, Tuoj tavo 33 gimtadienis. Ar daug nuveikei per pastaruosius keletą metų? Na, neskaitant to, kad užauginai porą puikių vaikų. O gal net ne porą? Juk norėjai daugiau......

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