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Well, i don't really know what to say besides keep studying and looking over the notes we do in class and also try your best. Always try to smile and be happy as much as possible. Gotta raise that...

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Hi Git, how are you? Have you passed the organization thingy? Or are you on volunteer now? Or are you on an internship? Or are you talking with someone now? A BOYFRIEND???

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Ну привет, тебе 21 год. Я надеюсь ты нашёл себе девушку и ты счастлив,ещё надеюсь ты смог уехать из России и...

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Hi there! It’s me! Wait- no it’s you? Anyways, how are you doing? Hopefully you’re doing good, I hope you guys aren’t in quarantine still. Do you have a car yet? I hope you do, the s14 is...

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If you are reading this I hope to God you are atleast engadged. At this moment you and Amanda arent talking, and money is draining you badly. As your reading this i hope its after a long day at the...

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