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Дорога майбутня Я. Пишу тобі листа 14 листопада 2015 року. Тільки що приїхали з нової дачі дядька Сашка. Їздили...

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Labas ME. Čia AŠ iš praeities. Su aštuonioliktu gimtadieniu ! Užsitūsink iki galo !!! Žinoma nepamiršk manęs (tiksliau savęs). Tikiuosi esi laiminga :) Visos tavo svajonės išsipildė ?...

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Hi Warinya, Today's date is August 1 2010. I have a feeling that you will get this letter and we will be a couple when you get this letter. I am crazily, and madly in love with you. I can't...

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Dear Niha, How's it going???? We're stuck at home right now. I'm sooooo bored and so done with Papa and Niya Chechi. They're so frustrating. Anyways, I think you had enough of that. Corona is...

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come on this website and look at a letter and there all in fucking polish or some shit, what the fuck is this...a joke and a farce and a joke again

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