Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
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Здравствуй. С Днём Рождения. С юбилеем! Тебе уже 20 лет, с праздником!

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Dear FutureMe, A year has passed since i wrote this letter. Hope you have good grades, a girlfriend, friends, money and parents. Did i change? How\\\'s clash of clans going ( if im still...

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Well, it\\\\\\\'s not actually graduation day yet. I saw that I could write myself a letter on Instagram and actually thought it was kind of neat. I did this one in a year because I\'m going off to...

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Well, I hope you did it. College seemed hard... How was your journey? Did you get your degree? Are you off to be a software developer? I sure hope you got more comfortable with it. I don't know if...

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