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Tikriausiai pamiršai apie tokį dalyka, ši laišką parašiau 2013.01.30, katik pabaigiau ruošti stojimus i Danish academy of business and technology, kita savaite turėčiau išsiusti, bijau,...

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Dear Me!!! I will marry with my love which i now her.My honeymoon will be Mexico City.I will have three child.I will be a musician, and i will be drive a car.My free times will be with my wife...

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Hello future me, First of all, I hope that you make a most to life and I think that read this letter it is in the good wealth. I hope that understand to letter. I hope you family is still in...

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hiiiiiiiiiia baboy hahahahhaha

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Sveikas aš osvldas iš praeidies šiandien +12 laipsniu dabar 11 val 3 min. 41 sek.

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