Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
would like to see myself enrolling in college to pursue my dreams of becoming a journalist and a choral director. Some of the goals and dreams that I want to come true is receiving money to go to...

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Sveikutės, kaip Jums šie metai? Neužmiršot, kad moterys kenčia tada, kai myli per mažai :))) Gera išmintis? Mama, ar prisimeni šį vakarą, kai aš rašau šį laišką ir man skauda...

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Dear mal, First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are so old now lol. This letter is written by a 17 year old you. I hope that everything is ok.I hope that you are living you best life If you have a...

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190117 (7:51pm) Hindi ko alam kung saan na napunta yung sinulat ko kagabi. It was supposed to be the last— my last goodbye for you…But i guess even time won’t let me. (Charot! Baka sira...

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Mielas Mariau (aš), rašau tau rugsėjo 15 dieną, niūriais 2011 metais. Už lango - 18 laipsnių šilumos, saulės pro debesis nematyti. Šiuo metu sėdžiu namie, ir, užuot dirbęs,...

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