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Dear old old old old Kassidy, so you're about to graduate high school and i see you've already became supes rich. I know you are probably supes busy with you're...

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Hi, Chris! Ich bin's, Du! Aus der Vergangenheit! Erinnerst du dich? Du hast diesen Brief letztes Jahr an dich selbst geschrieben. Warum? Naja, um dich vielleicht mal ein wenig wachzurütteln und...

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Hey, If you\\\'re reading this it\\\'s awesome! I was really afraid that you won\\\'t get this letter. I don\\\'t really know what to say but nvm. :D If you want to be friends, it would be...

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Dear M. Hello, you remember me I hope. I have known you ever so long, and I'd like to remind you of a few things. Firstly, you are very loved, you are loved more than you realise and you...

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