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Dear Mills, I hope ure now old enough to prioritise what's really important to you. At this age, ure still spending so much money and taking part in street races which are pretty childish. I know...

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HI MOM! it's nikki. Now i know this is confusing but let me explain. First off this website is made for you to send a letter to your future self! you send a letter and you put the date on when you...

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مرحبا صديقي، إنني أنت في الماضي قبل 10 سنوات حيث كنت تتخبط بين الكثير من الخيارات و لم تعلم ما اللذي ستفعله...

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س اتحسن بالكتابة

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My favorite food is all food. Favorite music is country. Favorite color is orange. Favorite place to go is to the cabin, shop at gander mountain or scheels. Favorite things to do is hunt, fish,...

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