I hope you've stepped beyond mediocrity.
Can you swim the 50m free under 35s? Push yourself, & go for under 30.
How were your GCSEs? You should get your results soon, right. I'm expecting an A+...
Hello! I'm you, but from the past(or you are from the futere XD)!
I hope I had a nice summer break. I think I've enjoyed Walibi very well.
I wanted to ask some things: Did I learn new programming...
Sveiki Tėveliai,
Jei gavot šį laišką, tai reiškias laiškas į ateitį puikiai suveikė. Taip taip taip aš rašau būtent iš praeities. Nesi jaudinkit, su laiko mašina į praeitį...
Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best.
Everyone's love is...
2022 Me,
You graduated high school ten years ago! You did such a great job and learned so much. I hope that you are still an amazing person, I trust you to have done great things by now.