Hello future Gayatri! I am sure you are still my best friend so not even bothering to do any formality about that! I just want you to know that I love you the most! I miss you a lot here in Delhi...
Dabar tu jau didelė. Bet ar atsimeni tą garbanotą mergytę kuri amžinai meluodavo? Tai va čia aš labai mėgstu klausytis Lady Gag'os, skaitau knygą aukštyn laiptais...
Dear Amy,
It's Em here! Hopefully you remember me, otherwise those five years (six?) at school were a waste of time.. I hope you are keeping well, and you aren't feeling too old. Because you are...
I would have quit smoking by now!
привет, это я Вася из 2021 года, надеюсь тебе придет это письмо через 5 лет, я закопал капсулу времени (на самом...