Am Beliebtesten
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Dear Tiffany, By now, you should have graduated nursing school, or won the lottery. Where did you end up? How is your father, your brother, and Carrie and Sheryar? What about Kitty and...

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Привет! Когда тебе придет это письмо тебе будет уже 18 лет. Надеюсь у тебя получилось воплотить мою мечту и ты...

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This is letter for the future

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Dear Angel; I know you're doing the best you can. I believe in you. Keep going! Always remember that I'm with you Just few miss-calls away

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Hi future self, I am you, writing from the year 2020. Right now we are in quarantine because of covid 19 so we have to stay home so i missed basically a quarter of freshman year. Also, right now...

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