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To future me, Hi, how about you. What did u change since u write this message until your currently status right now. What had been different exactly. Is it based on your financial problem? How...

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Labas, čia vėl aš Gintarė. Tiesiog, noriu parašyti, ir įsitikinti, ar laišką gausiu 2013 sausio 9, todėl rašau šį laišką vien dėl to, kad gaučiau arba negaučiau. Turbūt turiu...

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Hi Ed, You are writing this from China in 2012, the British Olympics are about to start. I hope that you have done some of the things that you wanted to do. You better be playing the guitar well...

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23:49 | 121720 |Thursday Hi, Suzu-san! I am writing you a letter today, after days of missing to do it. You helped someone to be positive! It was Phinn from COSP (discord server) You...

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hi Sankalp pilot thanxxx for chosing our company as your future

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