Am Beliebtesten
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Dear Max, Happy Birthday To you! You are now 17.If you go to BELIZE,You can smoke weed there legally. I pray to God for a long, healthy, and rocking life for you. May He shower all His grace...

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I told you about my past thinking your future was me And I know you're long gone and there was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to And there...

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Привет! Сейчас 4 октября 2011, вторник, ты сидишь на работе и тебе скучно. А сейчас , Марина, ты работаешь в...

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Сейчас я все какашки съем мммм какашечки мммм пуки каки пуки каки

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