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Dear leo, at this moment you´re studying for your high school exam, i hope you are free from the quarantine, you have been a good boy, continue studying, i hope you get in your high school, cause...

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Labas mažiau ;* šiandien debesėli, mums labai svarbi diena :)) taigi sveikinu su mūsų metinėmis, tikiuosi dainuosim abu ilgiausių metų, o ne kuris nors vienas (kai tavo kaimynai per...

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hi lets try kung legit talaga to hahaha. I'm worried kung marereceive ba talaga ngayong January nung taong sinulatan ko last 2018 yung letter ko hahahaha Juskoooo

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-... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / .- -. -.. / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / -.. .- -.-- / ---... #

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My Love, wanted to write you a paper one, but have no idea where you ( we) will live after these years. I know that we are still together and now it's 5 years, i love you still, even more...

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