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labas barbe ziurek kokia as fancy as tau parasiau laiska aahhahahhahaha as tikrai lietuve jis nemokamas haha apicly trolled. tai va barbe. lol. cia as, tavo zmona, rasau tau is praeities. miela...

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So, I (that's you) am writing this letter on March the 10th. And I want to wish you (that's me) a happy birthday. That's about it, really. I don't know when this letter will arrive. But you...

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hello sarvagya how are you hope that you would be fine and preparing well for your CA exams of may be enjoying your articleship.this letter is sent by to you to yourself via letter2future.com .

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Hi Git, how are you? Have you passed the organization thingy? Or are you on volunteer now? Or are you on an internship? Or are you talking with someone now? A BOYFRIEND???

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