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Labas ME. Čia AŠ iš praeities. Su aštuonioliktu gimtadieniu ! Užsitūsink iki galo !!! Žinoma nepamiršk manęs (tiksliau savęs). Tikiuosi esi laiminga :) Visos tavo svajonės išsipildė ?...

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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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nu in de engels les. fk saai

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Hi Ajay It's been 7 years since we sent this mail. We are sitting here in the product development lab on the 30th of january in 2018.It's time to meet again. Call me at +917708544836

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Dear Ate Kym, Hii ateeee first of all Happy Birthday!! I wish you the best and happiness that you deserve!! How are you? What strand did you pick in SHC,is it hard? Anong kurso ang kinuha...

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