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Hi, Keturah. Hopefully today you are having fun on your 18th birthday. The day you\'ve been waiting for. I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much. I hope that you\'ve accomplished...

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Dear Biz, Hey, it's me! Well, err, you, I guess. ^_^ I hope you're doing well, mostly because it means I'm doing well. I know you're happier in Ohio, even if you miss your Texas family....

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Sveikas, Audriau, Nesistebėk ir smarkiai nesidžiauk laišku, tiesiog, vykdyk nurodymus, nes rašei pats sau. Taigi, rašau į ateitį - kreipiuosi tik tam, kad pasakytum man reikalingus...

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Labas, Dukryte. Labai, labai tave myliu. Ir kas benutiktų tave visada mylėsiu. Būk laiminga, tikėk savimi ir viskas bus gerai. Bučiuoju. Sėkmės! Ir - su artėjančiu Gimtadieniu :) Tavo...

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The Art of Writing Writing, is an art that enriches and embellishes our soul and our spirit. It cultivates and nourishes our intellect. It allows the trees and flowers of our secret garden...

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