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Dear Olive, We have only met twice, and you are currently 10 months old. You are really cute though! And I fell in love with you the second I saw you... instantly. I cant wait to know how you...

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su gimtadieniu MODY!!

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Labas,Mano Brangiosios ir vienas Brangusis, rašau Jums dar būdama studentė.Tik antrakursė.Vis bevargstanti su egzaminais.Dar nepadariusi karjieros ir nežinoma:) Stebitės?Aš irgi:) Kitaip...

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Hey you... This is you from 9th December 2015. I have reached an important point in my life. Im about to be 25 years old, going to be engaged to the one you love (on 20 December 2015), about...

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i wrote this letter because im starting this eog and it's coming up soon i really won't to past it and make it to 7th grade and keep on going till im out of school i hope i pass the reading and...

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