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One month after, sana dika buntis!!!!!

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Dear Sophia, Hello! It has been a while! Today you are probably starting school (assuming you are still going to RTHS). As I am writing this, it is July 30th, 2013. I am in summer school, which...

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I doubt that we will still be at this address in 2020, but Codi. I hope that you somehow see this, be it we are somehow still together, or somehow apart. I hope to marry you in the near future once...

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Hey there, I set this letter to be delivered 5 years from now.... As I am writing this letter I do not know what the future holds for me, but I hope it will surprise me in a nice way. I hope I...

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Racconta in breve quello che mi è successo dal 2013 al 2020. Il Milan che fine ha fatto? Ho avuto qualche fidanzata? La mia carriera scolastica come si è evoluta? Dove vivo? La mia passione...

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