Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
Letzte Briefe
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 7/20/18

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Mano tikslai:Gauti motoroleri Išsilaikyti teises Su motoroleriu nuvažuoti į mokykla. Jei man tai pavyko reiškias aš laimigiausias pasaulyje...

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hello you. future you, before i begin to talk about the future, i'll tell you about your current state right now, as of now you have 2 tasks which both are elit and it is currently 10.36pm, you're...

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Hey Chevi!!! So How are you ? Excited Nervous Whatever it is Tommorow is the day The big day Its your exam Or may be day after tomorrow I wrote this 2 months back so I am unaware....

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Dear Taylor Lunford, When I wrote this I was freshman in the year of 2014 -2015 at Glades Day School. In health class I learned that you have to eat healthy such as eating fruit and vegetables. My...

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