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hi lets try kung legit talaga to hahaha. I'm worried kung marereceive ba talaga ngayong January nung taong sinulatan ko last 2018 yung letter ko hahahaha Juskoooo

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God Always Answers Prayer When the idea is not right, God says "No" No- when the idea is not the best No- when the idea is absolutely wrong No- when though it may help you, it could create...

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с днем рождения тебя от той Дианы которая была в прошлом я искренне надеюсь, что ты перестала быть наивной и...

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Dear future me, 祝我十七歲生日快樂。自己也要加把 勁 。 也現在的自己現在在暑假上著網 � �。疫 情 打亂很多計畫,畢旅充滿不確定性。 ☻ ☺ ☼...

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Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best. Everyone's love is...

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