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dear me, I hope you do good in life and hopefully you get to go into boxing and get a nice family and a bulldog and a great job me. also do they have time machines in the future. can you make a...

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Labas Diana kaip sekasi?spėk kas tau rašo ? :) Tai va aš iškarto prie reikalo :) SVEIKINU TAVĘ SU GIMTADIENIU!!! Linkiu kad išsipildytu tavo svajones :* Ikiukas :**

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Dear Kailey, You can date now! I wonder who you'll date. I can't date know because I'm 12. So Sad! I bet your having a great time in high school! You are going to college soon! Do you still want...

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sup.how was 8 grade?I am writing this because my English teacher,Mr.Mackie,wants the class to. Are you still into Black Metal and Death Metal? Do you still like Cattle Decapitation or Behemoth?...

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Dear Future me, I am currently typing this while playing Stick Ninja Academy in English Class. I just got done with SEVEN projects and feel good except I have to wake up early every morning....

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