Am Beliebtesten
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Dear son, I am writing this letter to thank God because you are part of my life. When you were born I became a happier person. God is being good to me. When I look to the past, I feel really...

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Hi, Abigail! I thought about this letter writing since i got your shoe box! I was very suprised and happy! I hope you will get this letter and write me back. Besides, i\'m 15 year-old girls and...

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Ką tik pasikalbėjusi su tavim telefonu ir padėjusi ragelį supratau, koks esi man svarbus. Kasdien laukiu to prakeikto mobiliojo skambučio, tikėdamasi, kad raudona elektroninio pašto...

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2022 Me, You graduated high school ten years ago! You did such a great job and learned so much. I hope that you are still an amazing person, I trust you to have done great things by now. Love,...

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