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Hello future Max! It's me, Max, only five years younger! I've decided to write you today because I think it will be super cool to have some sort of commemorative time capsule for the future. Today...

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Hi, future Aidan. Why don\\\\\\\'t I talk a little bit of my past-self , well present for me. I\\\\\\\'m currently 12 3/4 years old. I am in love with filmmaking. My dream is to move to LA to...

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Dear future me, Brother your writing yourself an email who knows if you are going to receive it or not but you now will be 32 years old writing this 10 years early I hope you never forget what...

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Hello future me! Right now I am sitting in uni researching for my 49 project, looking at time capsules and things that can be put in them. Wonder what you are doing now, how you are finding your...

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