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Labas, brangi mano neįkainojama vertybe, Sveikinu su gimtadieniu tšk Apkabinu tšk Myliu tšk Bučiuoju tšk Tavo įkainota vertybė tšk

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Na ką gi, labas rytas :) o adreso klausiau prieš 5 metus :). Ačiū, kad nesufeilinot. Sufeilinsiu aš - kur mes ? :)

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Cagliari, 11 giugno 2017 to somewhere, 11 giugno 2027 Cara me, di nuovo. Non so dove tu sia in questo momento, cosa tu stia facendo e forse non so nemmeno chi tu sia oggi. Però ci conosciamo,...

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Keep calm and carry on. You're more important than you think, just do what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise -Your past self

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I will marry my love.I will have two kids.My job will be singer.I will drive kia. My honeymoon in the New York.

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