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Labas Eimante, Ką tu, mažoji Grige? :D Nieko nesugalvoju, bet nesvarbu. ;DDD Ger, čiau :D Su Velykom :D

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Remember.....What happened between EmilyG and AsheyA(CRUSTY) How was High school football? How was high school? Did you ever win state? What College are you going to? Oregon,Texas...

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Sveikutė, Vaiva! Kadangi šiandien tavo gimtadienis, pagalvojau parašyti tau laišką ir iškarto tave sveikinu su gimtadieniu!!!! Ir linkiu daug daug sveikatos, laimės, ir dar visko, ko...

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Hello future mommy! I dearly hope you're now smiling after a year from today, its kinda crazy to think that exactly a year ago we were writing a motivation letter for 5alo. I'd be a foolish...

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Надеюсь ты сделал игру как плонировал , ели нет то хотябы начаел стримить ( если нет то ты лох...

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