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Labas Aiste, Turbut malonu dabar skaityti ši laiska as ji rasau 2012-11-29. Tikiuosi kad visos svajones issipilde ir gerai sekesi islaikyti egzaminus ;-D. Dabar as tuo labai tikiu. Ir jeigu dar...

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UN DIA COMO HOY PERO DEL 2022 :o Eres una chingona:D Ahorita tengo problemas de autoestima ojala en un año, amiga, te des cuenta, y tu vida este kul, que cringe jasjjas, aun no entro a la...

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Hi future self, I am you, writing from the year 2020. Right now we are in quarantine because of covid 19 so we have to stay home so i missed basically a quarter of freshman year. Also, right now...

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Sveikas andriau cia laiskas tau is praeities :D ,dabar tau 15 ir taip tu rasai sau laiska 3-ciuoju ar kokiu ten laisku ,ir dabar konstruoji savo du mopedus r13 ir r5 tikiuosi kad juos turi arba is...

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Dear Jennifer, This is yourself from the future of 10 years, specifically from April 29, 2013. You should be 25 right now, and I\'m terribly sad because I cannot imagine myself so grown up. I am...

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