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Dear Nike, First of all... Happy 18th Birthday! You are now 18 and in sixth form! Today I first received a letter from the old you. It was written on 23-12-2012 and most of the stuff is kind of...

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If you are reading this I hope to God you are atleast engadged. At this moment you and Amanda arent talking, and money is draining you badly. As your reading this i hope its after a long day at the...

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Hi! I'm keeping this short because we have lots to do. I hope your preparing well for your very important exam in 2 months. I know how discouraging these months have been and you're scrambling with...

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Hey Ibrahim form the future, This is me from 2020. Pandemic is going on. I am well. Hope you are alive. You should receive this letter on your 23rd birthday. You must have finished your college by...

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