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Hey you, happy birthday. I know you probably forgot you wrote this letter, hopefully so it will be a nice surprise haha. Well I just wanted to remind you to never give up on your dreams. You're...

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Dear Daniel, 3 years from now nababasa mo na tong message ko na to. happy birthday, hindi ko alam kung nagbibigay pa din ako ng sushi/ramen sayo by this time pero sana. I know we...

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this is pointless dunno why iM doing this, when the schooL ends im gonna go home and just gonna no-life some games like a Pro. i dont know what i wanna study, but im gonna go and study...

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Dear Jesse, It's me from the past in Mrs. Olivas' religion class writing to you about your future. First, I have many questions. Are you going into college? Did we make it to broadcasting?...

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Good morning sunshine :) tikiuos si laiska skaito vaida,nes jei ne tai vadinas kazkas elgias labai nepadoriai skaitydamas svetimus laiskus,perduok si laiska vaidai butinai. dabarties vaida...

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