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Cara me futura, Come stai? Non dire bene per sembrare più forte, lo sei e la te del passato pure, non ti abbatte, sei arrivata qui, un anno dopo la scorsa lettera, raccomtami cos'è combiato, che...

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hey future me, don’t know why i’m doing this but here i am. right now you’re a freshman @ irvington and it’s nov. 18, 2018. the sunday before thanksgiving break starts. remember?...

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At this point, camp is over. I am writing the day before my last year of camp, I am so excited. I also think that I will be excited for what I am doing when I get this letter. Hope fully a second...

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с днем рождения тебя от той Дианы которая была в прошлом я искренне надеюсь, что ты перестала быть наивной и...

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