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Dear Dovi, How's life going? Do you have the exact future that you've been expecting 10 years ago?. If not, it's not too late to live your life to the fullest, you're only 26 and there are...

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UN DIA COMO HOY PERO DEL 2022 :o Eres una chingona:D Ahorita tengo problemas de autoestima ojala en un año, amiga, te des cuenta, y tu vida este kul, que cringe jasjjas, aun no entro a la...

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froom lycée sud médoc to myself Hello, I wish to go Londre, Spain and Maroc. I hope to...

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Ciao Riccardo del futuro. Mi spieghi che è successo dal 2018 al 2020? Grazie.

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Rašau sau iš praeities. Tikiuosi patekau į "Lietuvos tūkstantmečio vaikus" praejusiais metais sekėsi nekaip taigi tikiuosi kad sikart pasiseke. Dar tikiuosi kad vis dar lankau sporto mokykla....

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