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Dear Nathan Maybe you've moved on, or we have moved out from here but the message still stays. I don't even know why i would write myself a letter as it doesn't seem normal now does it? Hope...

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Ech, Was forced to Make another one of these, SO, I guess I'll just Put random shiz here. Holly, Gabe, and Sela are all bein Butz still, And Everything at the House is... Alright... I guess......

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Mi querido zeki one take, ojalá siga siendo así, te habla tu mejor amiga (creo), en la cuarenterna de 2020, por el coronavirus, en agosto. Quiero que sepas algunas cosas importantes, como que...

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Labas :) rašau iš praeities... Taip taip, pameni, "Letter2future"? :D Tai va, tik norėjau pasakyt, kad tikiuosi, jog esi laiminga, pasiekei visus išsvajotus savo gyvenimo tikslus, esi...

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Hey Tino, whats up? You still a faggot? LOLOILOL Anyway do you still play minecraft in the future? Probably not but hey, who the fuck cares? If you date Haliey Strecker please tell me you bang her....

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