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hi Sankalp pilot thanxxx for chosing our company as your future

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hi sarvagya kesa hai kya hal chal hai.This is d way u r sending letter to yourself.wish u a best of luck for ur CA exams. u will definitely become CA in 1st attempt so try ur level best n be a CA...

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Labas, Lora, Prisimeni mane? Tai aš, 15 minučių nuo tavęs gyvenanti draugė, Rugilė. Vis dar neapsisprendžiu, kada tu turėtum gauti šį laišką, po kelių metų, tu visa tai...

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Joe. It's your past self. Actually, it's you at 32 years old. How are you? If you don't recall, you sent yourself an email off a website you stumbled. How is the future? Are you still...

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