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Sveikas,pats sau pasirašei šį laiška vaikine :D o gal sakyti vyre jau? :D kaip bebūtų,dabar yra 2012 balandžio 22 diena,lengvos pagirios po pusbrolio bernvakario ir visa diena praleista...

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Hi, hello. Right now I’m sitting in the halls with D. (she is doing her math homework right now; she’s stressed). But who isn’t at this point? My friends are still getting their grades...

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Dear FutureMe, How are you? Do you still alive? You must be fine, okay! I'm yourself 1 year ago.... I'm sure you don't forget about it. .....you remember all about it, don't you? Okay. The...

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Labas! Sunku suvokti, kad jau baigiasi birželis ir mus išskėstomis rankomis pasitinka liepa. Visą mėnesį išmėčiau nereikalingiems drybsojimams prie tv, pc, miegojimui, valgymui,...

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Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best. Everyone's love is...

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