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Joining FYP and being able to be a part of a special group of orientation leaders makes it difficult to stand out/set me apart from the rest. By the end of this, I want to feel as if I completed...

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Love of Mylife I love you with all that I am. I am amazed everyday I am with you how much you mean to my life and my happiness. Your level of understanding and your ability to manage my...

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Oi Pedro! sou você, de mais ou menos 1 ano atrás. Vim aqui falar um pouquinho sobre amor próprio. Quanto você se ama? você ao menos sabe o que é isso? Não? talvez isso explique porque você...

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Хей хо! Кулик, ну ты как? У тебя завтра День рождения... И с кем ты его празднуешь? С родителями, с пандой и...

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