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Hi Yingying! This is yourself from November of 2012. I'm currently still in Hong Kong on exchange and enjoying life. The future is still so uncertain for me right now. I'm constantly worrying...

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Dear future me, Brother your writing yourself an email who knows if you are going to receive it or not but you now will be 32 years old writing this 10 years early I hope you never forget what...

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Labas mama! Čia aš - Karolina. Kai rašau man trylika, o tavo realybėje man jau aštuoniolika. Esu pilnametė, turbūt sukėliau daug galvos skausmo kai man buvo 14-16 metų. Bet tikiuosi tu...

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Friday, August 10, 2012 If this letter to the future thing worked right, tomorrow is your 26th birthday. For me it's 2:30 in the morning and I am a bit delusional and don't know what to do this...

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Where the heck are you? At 20 you were in Juja. and really really disliking the country living. Are you still in Thika? Are you in the city? Do you have a house? Do you like where you live? Hey,...

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