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Dear Emilio, This is a letter to my future self. Right now im pretty happy with how life has gone. I have a good enough GPA and social life to be fulfilling without it being too stressful. I...

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My beloved me; It's me!Oh ...I mean,it's you. I'm your "you" from 10 year in the past,yeah...10 years!!!!You're 25 now, it's awesome!!!Maybe you don't remember me? Well I'm 15 years old, I'm in...

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Laiskas. Nauji.. paskutiniai metai... Arteja 18-ika, tad ir sveikinu tave su juo.

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I guess it's a new year for you. How's the world doing? Is it still a train wreck? You said you'd figure out what you wanted to do by now. How'd that turn out? I hope you found something and that...

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Labas Paula, Tau rašo... ta pati Paulina. Norėjau pasveikinti su... 19 - tuoju gimtadieniu!!! Būk kuo laimingesnė, linksmesnė ir nutrūktgalviškesnė. Kaip sakant \\\\\\\"Juk YOLO\\\\\\\"....

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