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Dear Izzi, Im bored before work one day when i stumbled across this weird site ... apparently it lets me write a letter then specify a time for you to receive it ... i have no idea if this is...

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Hi. This is weird. Like always. Saulė. Šalta. Spalvos. Pilka. Muzika. Nostalgija. Nuovargis. Annoyence. Pain. Emptyness. Klausimas. I'm so unsure. I want to do things right. They don't work. 5...

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Querido yo!!!! Yussef Espero que en este tiempo que paso ya hayas cumplido la mayoria de tus objetivos, seas feliz y tengas una vida sana y prospera! Recuerda que debes de dejar de estar...

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I will live in Los Angeles , I will have houses in Paris , London , New York , Las Vegas, Sidney , Melbourne , Canada , Rome , Brazil , Istanbul , Ankara and other cities. I will have 5 tattoos and...

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Do you remember that time when you went on letter2future and wrote yourself this email thinking you'd troll your future self? lol I think so

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