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Good Morning! It's your birthday... remember you ten years ago? I love Ryan so much, the way he smiles and his eye still with the shimmers of the innocence of a child... I hope you still love him...

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Labas, Reda! Pasiilgau tavęs..tos, kuri buvo laiminga ir džiaugėsi gyvenimu. Su kuria per lietų valgiau avietes, gėriau karštą vyną, laikiau savam glėby. Praeitis. Žinau, kad pats...

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hello me! how are you? are you dead? If so, how was life? are you homeless or relatively successful? what is the most stressful part of your life(or top ten)? are you a dental hygenist? how is it...

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April 5th 2018 Hello future Tommie, It is currently 2019 or whenever this letter gets emailed to you and you might either be pretty famous from the clothing you are working on right now in...

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Привет дружище! Это ты из 2023. Ну что рассказывай, как дела у тебя? Как жизнь, как семья? Как закончил школу? Как...

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