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Hey Ibrahim form the future, This is me from 2020. Pandemic is going on. I am well. Hope you are alive. You should receive this letter on your 23rd birthday. You must have finished your college by...

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Mano tikslai:Gauti motoroleri Išsilaikyti teises Su motoroleriu nuvažuoti į mokykla. Jei man tai pavyko reiškias aš laimigiausias pasaulyje...

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jan 1 2023 Happy New Year bb

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Dear Kate, Katy, Katherine, Katy-Kit-Kat (for like a day until brent meg and I realized it was like the kkk), So heres an email to myself in five years! So in 2020. Wow do you know in that year...

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Labas! Šis laiškas parašytas 2011 m. spalio 28 d., o jį turėčiau gauti 2017 m. liepos 26 d. - lygiai per savo trisdešimtmetį, jeigu nepasiklys pašte :) Tikiuosi, kad per šešis metus...

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