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Am, rašau su viltimi, kad pamiršus esi visus sunkumus kuriuos išgyvenu dabar. Tikiuosi skautuose esi pasiekusi daug ir sėkmingai turi savo būrelį skautukų. Jei ne, tuoj pat grįšk, nes tai...

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Rasau laiska pats sau net nezinau kodel gal tiesiog idomu gal norisi isbandyk kaska naujo. Labai bus malonu pamatyti po tiek laiko sita laiska kuri gausiu ateityje. Jau gal turesiu mylima mergina o...

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Hey there dearJ. Hope everything's okay with you and your family and that you're having a blast running your own company and inspiring millions of people all over the world. Just wanted to...

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Se fai quello che hai sempre fatto otterrai ciò che hai sempre ottenuto. Tony Robbins

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Okay pal, last one for the day, where are you now hat have you done, sit down with me tell me a story about these next ten years of life. And at the end of it all, lets send our 34 year old self a...

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