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I am writing you because I seen you at a hospital in Winston Salem. I remembered your name and thought you was a very pretty lady. You was very nice to me while I was there in the Emergancy room. I...

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This is letter for the future

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Dear You, YES, YOU! So how are you now? Still waking up ten minutes before your class or are you preparing for you graduation now? I\'m sure you\'ll get this letter on March 31, 2015 at 5:00pm!...

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Dear FutureMe, Hi hope you are in good health and now finally weigh 60 kgs. i know you wont even remember writing this. for your information you wrote this mail sitting in your statistics class...

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Pienso que eres una niña increible con una forma de ser increible, amo todo de ti y me alegra como has mejorado a pesar de que fue el año mas dificil para ti por todo lo que has pasado pero ha...

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