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everyone always say that they are fine, but actually they aren't

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Hi, it's me again. I'm stupid and I forgot to talk about TAYLOR SWIFT!!! DO you still like listening to her music? Has she released any new albums? These are my favourite songs right now: Debut:...

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Dearest Isaiah, I write this letter to you at age 25, in Fresno. I love you. I don't believe I say that enough. Hopefully when you receive this, we will be happily married with two kids (at...

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to a recent graduate. i'm sorry you wasted your time on someone whose care and love changed with the phases of the moon. they both came in tides, and sometimes i drowned in how much i cared for...

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Hi Git, how are you? Have you passed the organization thingy? Or are you on volunteer now? Or are you on an internship? Or are you talking with someone now? A BOYFRIEND???

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