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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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Well, I hope you did it. College seemed hard... How was your journey? Did you get your degree? Are you off to be a software developer? I sure hope you got more comfortable with it. I don't know if...

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labas barbe ziurek kokia as fancy as tau parasiau laiska aahhahahhahaha as tikrai lietuve jis nemokamas haha apicly trolled. tai va barbe. lol. cia as, tavo zmona, rasau tau is praeities. miela...

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To Me. Tyronne Edgington, Happy birthday my love! Even if maybe we havent contacted each other thjs day. Even if i dont know whether i am still inlove with you and you feel the same. I want you...

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Hi future rohit Hows life ?? At this time life suck you cry a lot always . you just moved in here and hate it because the kids over here are kanadigas and they always play cricket . you hate your...

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