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Rašau tau iš netolimos praeities.Sveikinu su gimimo diena ir linkiu kad visos tavo svajones išsipildytu. Tavo brolis.

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Hallo mezelf. Hoe gaat het? Het gaat goed met me. Ik ben super slim. Ik zit naast een kut kind. Doei! We hebben geen leuke mensen in de klas. Doei

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Dear huggs The best thing happened in my life was when I first met you. Happy Birthday!

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Dear Danny, This is kind of weird--me sitting here writing this and reading it at the same time. Kind of unfair don't you think? I have no idea who you are. Yet, you have the privilege to know...

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DearFuture Sara, It's been since 9/17/2012! Where are you at this time? Do you have your own studio? Living it up? Married to the man of your dreams? Are you still with Troy Hirschhorn? Did he...

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