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oh hello there, i didnt see you. AND MY NAME IS.............

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I am Emily Sohn!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE boys with all my heart. Especially, the tall blonde ones!!!! They are very attractive!

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Dear Future Me, Hey girl it's Your 13 year old PAST self typing from her bedroom on Decemeber 11, 2015 in your Brooklyn home, oh the good times... By now when you get this letter you're probably...

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Mylimas broliuk ir sūnau! Sveikinam su gražiu jubiliejum. Tik kartą gyvenime būna 18, todėl linkim, kad šis gimtadienis būtų pats nuostabiausias! Linkim meilės šansų ir finansų! :*

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Иди на хуй

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