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Hi, reen!! To my future self, I hope that one day you’re gonna find this letter again and read it. You’ve doing so well until now, you keep fighting even though you cry everyday. What a strong...

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Dear Future Self, Hi Future Self, I hope you're doing great! I hope you're still playing soccer & are as active as you I am now. I hope you're not as stressed as I am now. Please don't trip...

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Sveiki Tėveliai, Jei gavot šį laišką, tai reiškias laiškas į ateitį puikiai suveikė. Taip taip taip aš rašau būtent iš praeities. Nesi jaudinkit, su laiko mašina į praeitį...

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Dear future me, before you read this be sure to film it!!!! bye time you get this we have been through high school and are now possibly going to collage! Congratulations!! What were our grades?...

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labas mieloji, uzjauciu del neistikimo vyro, mesk tu ji greiciau, nelauk dar kokiu 10 metu. Tu verta pacio geriausio, bet ne jo... tavo drauge

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