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Labukas, tariu sau :) Siunčiu sau šį laišką norėdama priminti, jog šiais metais susidariau planą ko noriu pasiekti per šiuos metus. Labai tikuosi kad tu MAŽUTE tai įvykdei, ir...

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sveikinu su gintadieniu is praeities 2011 09 28

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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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2021 Dear Rohan from 2021, This is your buddy from 2020. I hope corona is gone. That shit bothered a lot. And I so goddamn hope that I've achieved something by 2021. Just a few things is all....

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привет. сегодня 6 декабря 2023 год. мне 13 лет. я не знаю что рассказать. надеюсь, что я также хочу стать...

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