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Happy 27th birthday, P! By the time you receive this email, it's been more than 4 years since we broke up. You're probably married, or finally a big boss at your job. Either way, I hope you're...

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baigiau žiūrėti prisijaukinimo meną.kvaila,bet ten viskas taip teisinga. ir ta banali mintis ,jog visada sakyk ,jei turi ką pasakyti. visada..nesvarbu kiek tai logiška ir kiek tai gali...

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Labas Sesyte :* Sveikinu su tortadieniu :* Tu visada busi mylimas ir mielas zmogutis, visada dėl tavęs pergyvensiu, norėsiu daugiau apie tave suzinoti, tu beabejo galbūt dėl to...

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Dear future me, before you read this be sure to film it!!!! bye time you get this we have been through high school and are now possibly going to collage! Congratulations!! What were our grades?...

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Forgot to greet you a Happy birthday! Hahaha I guess I'm really that silly.

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